dresovi za djecu Wojciech Szczesny has emerged from his Arsenal rut in quite some

dresovi za djecu Wojciech Szczesny has emerged from his Arsenal rut in quite some style as the heir in waiting to Gianluigi Buffon’s throne.After two seasons away with AS Roma, the Gunners’ old number one secured a permanent move away from the Emirates and to Juventus where he will eventually assume responsibility between the sticks.The Pole rose through the Arsenal ranks as an impressive shot stopper and looked – for all intents and purposes – to become a regular in the starting XI for years to come.

However, mistakes began to creep in during the 2013-14 season with David Ospina replacing him in the short term before the arrival of Petr Cech demoted him to third choice.He has made no secret about how tough the decision to leave Arsenal this summer was.In an interview with the Independent, Szczesny explained:“Accepting that my time with Arsenal was over was difficult because I never imagined leaving. I supported them as a kid and I got to play for the club of my dreams, but life goes on.”It was the right thing for me and both clubs and, while one side of me found it difficult to say it was over, the other said lets just get it done.”The prospect of being number one at a team with two Champions League final appearances in three years proved too attractive, however.

And Szcesny has admitted, in general, that the football in Serie A is very different to that of the Premier League.The Pole revealed something rather surprising about the difference in preparation he experienced with AS Roma and Juventus, as opposed to Arsenal.He noted:Whether it was [Luciano] Spalletti at Roma or Max Allegri here, the preparation for the game is different to what I was used to in England.”You work on the shape of the team for a particular match all week. “At Arsenal you’d just prepare physically for it but here you watch film analysing a specific opponent before the game and afterwards we’ll watch again to see what worked and what didn’t.”Very interesting.Obviously, Szczesny isn’t exactly saying that Arsenal don’t video review their opponents either, but with Arsenal’s chaotic defending and blunt attacking play of late, it’s perhaps surprising that their onus is on physicality.Besides, you could argue that their physical play really wasn’t up to scratch against the likes of Stoke in recent years.

It won’t exactly fill Arsenal fans with any addition mbappe dres prodaja confidence regarding a manager already under pressure.Do you think Arsenal will qualify for the Champions League this season? Have your say in the comments section below.

Paul Pogba povukao se nogometni dresovi za djecu

Paul Pogba povukao se nogometni dresovi za djecu iz reprezentacije Francuske nakon što je isključen zbog ozljede.

24-godišnjak je pretrpio ozljedu koljena tijekom pobjede Manchester Uniteda protiv FC Rostova u Ligi Europe, što im je omogućilo da napreduju do posljednjih osam natjecanja u kojem će se suočiti s Anderlechtom.

Sada je web stranica Francuske nogometne federacije potvrdila mbappe dres prodaja da će Pogba propustiti nadolazeće kvalifikacije za Svjetski kup protiv Luksemburga i prijateljskog protiv Španjolske – i otkrila je da se očekuje da će potpisivanje svjetskog rekorda biti za dva tjedna.

Izjava na njihovoj web stranici glasi: “Didier Deschamps pozvao je Monacove Tiemoue Bakayoko nakon povlačenja Paula Pogbe, a medicinski testovi potvrdili su da će on biti nedostupan dva tjedna.”

Pogba je u momčadi Francuske zamijenio veznjak Monaca Tiemoue Bakayoko, koji je povezan s prelaskom na Old Trafford.

Manuel Pellegrini odgovorio je na prodaja dresova za djecu

Manuel Pellegrini odgovorio je na prodaja dresova za djecu otkriće Sergia Aguera kako planira da se pridruži Independienteu kad mu istekne ugovor iz Manchester Cityja.

Argentinski napadač potvrdio je namjeru da se vrati u klub u kojem je započeo karijeru kao 15-godišnjak, rekavši: „Uvijek sam govorio da se želim vratiti u Independiente i učinit ću upravo to.

“Vratit ću se Independienteu kad mi istekne ugovor sa Cityjem.

“Ne želim se vraćati kad ostarim.

“Ako sve bude dobro, vratit ću se u klub svog srca sa 31 godinu.”

Aguero je prošle godine potpisao novi petogodišnji mbappe dres prodaja ugovor u Cityju, držeći ga u klubu do 2019. godine.

Raspravljajući o planu za izlazak 27-godišnjaka, Pellegrini je rekao: “To je toliko daleko, toliko više godina da nije važno.

“Obožavatelj je Independientea još od malih nogu.”